Sunday, January 4, 2009

Another day down

Today is cold. Ugh. I hate the cold and I don't want to tempt fate and exercise induced asthma, so I'm baking cookies today.

Tomorrow I go back on South Beach, Phase 1. I'm actually excited about this because it's so much nicer knowing what I can/should eat instead of trying to figure it out on my own. And I know SB works because it has worked for me in the past.

Monday is supposed to be warmer, though maybe windy. SG and I are planning to run tomorrow night at 6 since she has to work, so I may go out for another short run at noon to get some mileage in. Plus I've just been feeling like a bump on a log - a BIG bump...HUGE bump - all weekend so I need to get out and do something!

Plus, I need to stay away from the cookies as much as possible. :)

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